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About Fly Poland


Our company

Your cheap, quick and safe time building

We have created Fly Poland in response to the dynamically growing demand for light aircraft for rent. From the beginning, our idea was to develop high standards that would allow for fast rental of aircraft to pilot who build their time building efficiently.

Pilots cooperating with us are flying for time building or just for pleasure. Our experience and know how on local market enable to create solid service with attractive prices. We had chance  to cooperate with over 400 pilots from allover the world during last 5 years. We offer Cessna's C150/152 and C172 for time building.

Our airfield

Brzeska Wola is located 70 km south of Warsaw, near Białobrzegi. The landing field is registred in airfield registry of Poland - number 159. The landing field is located about 2 km from the "S7" expressway, exit Kamień / Sucha.

There is a  rwy 10/28 775 meters long on the landing field. The runway thresholds are shifted on each side to provide a 3-degree descent path. The runway is marked with white markers on the thresholds and along the runway. The landing field is surrounded by forests 15 meters high, which can give a turbulent effect on the leeward side.

The wind socket is located on the southern side of the landing field, at the height of the hangar; in the vicinity of a transformer station. The hangar is fenced, guarded and monitored.


The landing field is approved for operations according to the VFR regulations. The landing strip is located under the TMA EPWA sector "D". The lower limit of the airspace is 6500 ft. Before landing and take-off - pilot in command have to make sure that the surface of the landing field is in proper condition by calling the operator of the landing field. The decision to take off and landing is made by the commander at his own risk.


Special all-inclusive offer for packages of 30 / 50 / 80 hours!

In our special all-inclusive package "Ready for take off" you will find: accommodation with breakfast for 29€ / day, transportation from the Warsaw Chopin or Warsaw Modlin Airport, safety pilot, fuel, landing fees, all taxes! We guarantee to complete the package of building hours during your stay!

Image by Nick Gosset

Ask us about special price for you! Just let us know some details about your aviation plans

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